
How to Convert the Summary Output in data frame in R

In R, the summary() function is very useful for generating the summary statistics ( minimum, 1st quartile, median, mean, 3rd quartile, and maximum values) for numerical vector and data frame.

The output from a summary() function is in table format and is not convenient to access the values of the summary statistics for downstream analysis.

You can use the following methods to convert the output from the summary() function into a data frame format.

Method 1: unclass() function

data.frame(unclass(summary(df)), check.names = FALSE)

Method 2: do.class() and lapply() functions

data.frame(, lapply(df, summary)))

The following examples demonstrate how to use unclass() and do.class() functions to convert output from the summary() function into a data frame format.

Create a sample data frame,

# create sample data frame

df <- data.frame(
  col1 = rnorm(5, mean = 5),
  col2 = rnorm(5, mean = 10)

# view data

      col1      col2
1 3.792934 10.506056
2 5.277429  9.425260
3 6.084441  9.453368
4 2.654302  9.435548
5 5.429125  9.109962

Get summary statistics


      col1            col2       
 Min.   :2.654   Min.   : 9.110  
 1st Qu.:3.793   1st Qu.: 9.425  
 Median :5.277   Median : 9.436  
 Mean   :4.648   Mean   : 9.586  
 3rd Qu.:5.429   3rd Qu.: 9.453  
 Max.   :6.084   Max.   :10.506  
# data type
[1] "table"

Example 1: unclass() function

Now, we will use the unclass() function to get the output in a data frame format.

new_df = data.frame(unclass(summary(df)), check.names = FALSE)

               col1             col2
X   Min.   :2.654   Min.   : 9.110  
X.1 1st Qu.:3.793   1st Qu.: 9.425  
X.2 Median :5.277   Median : 9.436  
X.3 Mean   :4.648   Mean   : 9.586  
X.4 3rd Qu.:5.429   3rd Qu.: 9.453  
X.5 Max.   :6.084   Max.   :10.506 

# data type
[1] "data.frame"

From the above example, you can see that the output from the summary() function is converted into a data frame format using the unclass() function.

Example 2: do.class() and lapply() functions

Similarly, you can also use do.class() and lapply() functions to get the output in a data frame format.

new_df <- data.frame(, lapply(df, summary)))

            col1      col2
Min.    2.654302  9.109962
1st Qu. 3.792934  9.425260
Median  5.277429  9.435548
Mean    4.647646  9.586039
3rd Qu. 5.429125  9.453368
Max.    6.084441 10.506056

# data type
[1] "data.frame"

From the above example, you can see that the output from the summary() function is converted into a data frame format using the do.class() and lapply() functions.